Google Meet is a popular video conferencing app. You lot can employ it via the browser or the dedicated mobile app. However, some users have reported the Google Meet photographic camera failed fault when using the service.

In this article, we discuss how to troubleshoot Google See that won't work on Chrome, Edge, and other browsers.

Causes of Google Meet Camera Failed Error

If you are experiencing the Google Meet photographic camera failed error on a Windows calculator, hither are a few common reasons that can trigger this error:

  • Bereft permission to access the camera or the audio device
  • Temporary browser glitch conflicting with the service.
  • Missing or outdated webcam drivers and other glitches.
  • Your webcam is in use past other apps.
  • Incorrectly configured video settings, such as the default camera in Google See.

Fortunately, y'all tin resolve this error by tweaking a few settings in a web browser, Google Run across app, and the system. Earlier you continue with the troubleshooting steps below, check your system for the post-obit problems:

  • Ensure your photographic camera is working and properly connected to your organization. Try launching the Camera app to see if the capturing device is working.
  • If you have multiple cameras connected to the estimator, ensure the chief camera is in use.
  • If you lot are using the Google Meet app on your telephone, ensure you have the latest app installed.

ane. Cheque Google Come across Camera Permission

When you lot join a coming together, Google Encounter will request permission to access your camera. If you cake or pass up the access request, Google Meet volition display a black screen.

To prepare it, give Google Meet permission to access your photographic camera. Here's how to do it on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers.

Give Camera Permission From the Meeting Folio

unblock access Google Meet access to camera

When you block Google Meet access to your camera, you volition meet a camera icon with a ruby cross, indicating access to advice devices is denied.

To fix this, click on the Camera or Microphone icon and select Ever allow Google Meet to admission your camera. Click Washed. Next, click the Video/Camera icon on the Google Meet screen to plow on the camera.

Give Camera Permission From Site Settings

If you still encounter the black screen, try giving the photographic camera admission from site settings. Hither's how to do it in your favorite browser.

On Edge Chromium:

Microsoft Edge allow camera permission
  1. Click the Settings and More icon (iii dots) and open Settings.
  2. In the Settings page, open the Cookies and site permission tab from the left pane.
  3. On the correct pane, gyre downward to All Permissions.
  4. Click on Camera. Here you should see the camera admission for Google Run into URL is blocked.
  5. Click on Delete (Trash icon).
  6. Open Google Meet again. When the prompt to admission the camera appears, click Allow.

On Google Chrome:

Google Chrome allow camera permission Google Meet
  1. Click on the 3 dots and select Settings.
  2. Open up the Privacy and Security tab from the left pane.
  3. Open Site Settings.
  4. Coil down and click on Camera.
  5. Next, click on Google Meet URL, click on the driblet-down button for Photographic camera, and select Let.

Now, Google Come across should accept admission to your photographic camera on Chrome.

On Firefox:

allow meet camera permission firefox 1

Firefox shows permission status on the left side of the accost bar. Click on the Photographic camera icon and select Allow audio and video to give Google See permission to access your photographic camera.

ii. Check if Another App Is Using Your Camera

Google Run into cannot use your camera or show a video feed if other apps in the background are accessing your webcam. Check if whatever other video conferencing app such as Skype or TeamViewer is using your camera.

On your laptop, check if your camera indicator lite is on. If yes, look for and close any app using your photographic camera in the groundwork. Once done, join the meeting on Google Meet and click the camera icon to enable your webcam.

All the same can't get your camera working? Try irresolute your camera settings in Windows 10.

3. Restart Browser and Check for Updates

This may be the most obvious solution, merely also the most ignored 1. At times, temporary glitches tin conflict with browser functionalities. To fix this, close all the tabs manually and and then relaunch the browser.

Additionally, cheque for pending browser updates. Updates usually come up with bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update Chrome browser

To update your browser:

  • Chrome: Become to Help > About Google Chrome. Download and install pending updates.
  • Microsoft Border: Go to Assistance & Feedback > Virtually Microsoft Edge. Check for and install pending updates.
  • Firefox: Go to Awarding Menu > Help > Nigh Firefox. If an update is available, download and install information technology.

4. Gear up Default Google Run across Camera

Google Meet past default uses your system's integrated camera app. If you use a third-political party camera app such equally Snap Camera or use your phone as a webcam with DroidCam, or iVCam, you will have to configure Google Meet accordingly. To alter the default photographic camera:

  1. Open up Google Meet on your browser.
  2. Click the Gear icon (acme-correct corner) to open up the settings.
    Configure Default google meet camera
  3. Open the Video tab.
  4. Click on the default photographic camera and choose your preferred photographic camera option.

Now yous have inverse the default Google See photographic camera. Join a meeting and check for any improvements.

5. Perform a Webcam Driver Rollback

Yous can apply driver rollback to reinstall the previously installed commuter if any issues occur afterward installing a driver update. Whenever possible, Windows saves a copy of device drivers in case you lot demand to perform a rollback.

Follow these steps to perform a webcam driver rollback using Device Managing director:

  1. Press Win + R to open Run.
  2. Blazon devmgmt.msc and click OK to open up Device Manager.
  3. In Device Director, expand the Cameras section.
  4. Right-click on your webcam device and select Properties.
    web cam device manager properties
  5. In the Properties dialog, open the Commuter tab.
  6. Next, click the Roll Dorsum Driver push button and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the rollback.
    web cam driver roll back device manager windows
  7. Finally, restart your PC to save the changes and cheque for any improvements.

If the Curl Dorsum Driver push is grayed out, it means no previous drivers are available, and you may need to update the driver.

6. Update Webcam Drivers

Outdated webcam drivers can crusade your camera to malfunction or not work correctly. Installing the latest drivers for your webcam tin can help y'all resolve this trouble. To update webcam drivers:

  1. Press the Windows primal + R to open Run.
  2. Type dvmgmt.msc and click OK to open Device Managing director.
  3. Aggrandize the Cameras category. Check if there is a yellow exclamation mark on your webcam.
    Update webcam drivers
  4. Right-click on your webcam device driver and choose Update drivers.
  5. Select Search automatically for drivers option. Expect for Windows to scan and install available drivers.

After the bulldoze is installed, restart your PC to employ changes. Open Google See and check if the camera failed error is resolved.

Chrome flags are experimental features available for tinkers and developers. MediaFoundation Video Capture is a Chrome flag and a multimedia framework developed past Microsoft.

Reportedly, on browsers with the MediaFoundation flag enabled, the Google Come across camera is non working. Check your browser and disable information technology to resolve the problem.

Disable MediaFoundation Flag

To disable MediaFoundation Video Capture:

  1. Re-create/paste the post-obit in the address bar of Chrome or Microsoft Border (Chromium) browser and hitting enter.
  2. In the drib-downwards for MediaFoundation Video Capture, select Disabled.
  3. Restart your browser and bank check for any improvements.

viii. Check Your Antivirus for Blocking Access

Some antivirus with spider web protection features tin automatically block access to the camera from unauthorized or third-party sources. Check your antivirus program for web protection.

For example—In Kaspersky antivirus, get to Settings > Protection > Web Protection. Click on Block Access to webcam for all applications and uncheck the option. A pop-up window with a listing of blocked apps will announced. Remove your browser from the list. Besides, temporarily disabling your antivirus can aid you lot determine if the issue is due to your security program.

Additionally, as a workaround, try accessing Google Meet from a unlike browser. Browser-related bug may require a prepare from the developer, which may take some fourth dimension.

Google Meet Photographic camera Failed Fault Fixed

Your camera or audio not working on Google Run across meetings can be annoying. Fortunately, in most cases, giving Google Run into access to your camera will set up the trouble.

That said, if the problem persists, Google Meet has some fantabulous alternatives, Zoom existence one of them. Then, y'all're no longer confined to limited web conferencing options providing unreliable services.